The Marion W. Garland Award

The Marion W. Garland Award


Roger Bernard: For the restoration of the windows in Dreamer’s Cafe.

Lyndsey Sneddon & Steven Rennie: For restoration of their heritage home on Bloomsgrove Ave.


Dianne & Frank Steblaj: As 146 ACO members witnessed at our Christmas Party, Dianne and Frank Teblaj have both faithfully restored, and modernized their new home, Dunain over the past two years. We, on Baldwin St. can’t quite understand why anyone chooses to leave 6 Baldwin in the warmth of our micro neighbourhood, but, just as Paris was worth a Mass for Henri 1V in 1604, so too, Dunain rewards an owner’s love. With Dianne’s research, their joint vision, their careful selection of skilled craftsmen and designers, their thorough care, Dunain is now ready for its next 173 years.

Tim & Dean: Like Madonna and Yundi, the piano genius who used to be Yundi Li, Tim and Dean do not need any last names. Who of us would ever think to add Badegly and Howlet when introducing them to friends? This Marion Garland award cites their restoration of three homes, on Bramley St. S, Sullivan St., and John St., a list that makes me nervous because I am sure I have left out so many other contributions to our town. Through their two designer businesses, they have faithfully supported both the house tour and the garden Tour, both through sponsorships, and as hosts everything we said last year about remarkable citizenship, when we honoured the Holtons, well just push the repeat button for Tim and Dean, and then add their vision for these three homes.


David Drover & Jennifer Glynn: For the restoration of 74 Sherbourne and 44 Pine St. N. “Pinehurst”, a significant large property in Port Hope. It has been restored beautifully, a sympathetic extension added, the icehouse and stables restored, the whole landscaped to create a unified property.

Brent Bayley: For restoration contracting, including interior elements that he encouraged owners to value in numerous residences, including on Sherbourne, Pine St. S, Dorset, King, Mill, and Caldwell.


Stephen Henderson: For the preservation of Rose Cottage when it stood condemned at Penryn Park, finding/purchasing a suitable new property on Pine St. N, relocating the building, and adding a suitable addition to create a modern home that has preserved the small cottage’s key elements and personality. See Full Award.


Tony Jenkins: For historic preservation work, and committed community leadership of Historic Port Hope Hospital campaigns of 2018-19, 2021-22.

Christine Benson & Mike Wood: For the dismantling, relocation, and restoration of a log cabin from north of Kingston to Hope St. N.


Philip Goldsmith: For Chapter leadership, relocation and restoration of The Little Station to Lent’s Lane; leading roles in the process of ensuring the preservation of The Opera House and for key contributions to Historic Port Hope Hospital campaign including conceptual drawings for its re-adaptation.

David Weir: For heritage property education and sales, and restorative work at his Mill St. home.


Patsy Beeson: For her many contributions to the Chapter and the Executive Board, including editing ACO Matters, its newsletter, organizing an annual heritage bus tour with the Cobourg/East Northumberland chapter, arranging lectures and educational events.

Kathryn McHolm, Moya McPhail, Lois Richardson & Pamela Tait: For the coordination of and artists of The Barn Quilt Trail.


James Sculthorpe: For a notable career in skilled restoration work with his team on properties that have included “Bluestone” on Dorset E., “Little Bluestone” on King St. S, 20 and 55 King St., 350 Lakeshore, and “Ravensworth” in Cobourg.

Ed Pamenter: Executive Member and Advisor to the executive who led the restoration and maintenance of the Caretaker’s Cottage and Chapel in the cemetery, and the VIA station. He served as the ACO representative to the Council’s heritage advisory committee and has been a key organizer of the annual Antiques & Artifacts Auction.


Michael Wallace: For his photographic collection, covering 30 years documenting every heritage asset in Port Hope, and for his contributions to posters, and book and The House Tour ticket design.

Ruth Redelmeyer: For building upon previous restoration work by Joan and Don Rumgay, Ruth and the team of experts that she assembled have fully restored the “Bluestone” on Dorset St. E, (Port Hope’s grand home of J. D. Smith completed in 1834). Both its interior and exterior have been brought up to museum quality standards through extensive restoration of its exterior finishes, decorative plaster reconstruction, stair restoration, new plumbing, and a graceful entrance stairway on its south face, designed by Phil Carter, modelled after “Willowbank” on the Niagara River. The exterior low rough-stone building, the garden, and terraces have also been restored.


Alice Teichert & Bobby Tamo: For their faithful restoration of the “Orange Hall”, 50 John St.

Sarah Foord & David Bray: For restoration of the Ontario Cottage at 50 Charles St.


Tim Foley & Janet Eby: For the restoration of The Armstrong Cottage at 239 Ridout St., including removal of its exterior paint that had given the home a nickname of “Plum Cottage.” The restoration work is a leading example of preserving the beauty of the original craftsmanship of its large wooden windows and architectural details.

Dave Watson, Phil Carter, Shelagh Fletcher, Blake & Eileen Holton: For the restoration of The Tempest Block, at the corner of Walton St. and Ontario St.


Bonnie & Ken Garrett: For restoration work at “Dunain” on Lakeshore Rd.

Rod Stewart & Masumi Suzuki: For the restoration of old industrial structures and railway station at Barrett St.


Tracey & Doug Vandenburg: For the restoration of 37 Walton St.

Friends of Wesleyville: For restoration work of the village church.


Lee Caswell & Blaise Gaetz: For their restoration and sympathetic enlargement of 9 Church St. This small home, one of several “Trick” cottages from the 1850’s in this district, now shows its pattern brick that had been covered over. The home now has a beautifully integrated addition designed by Phil Carter, and a charming garden. 

Dan Koonan: For repurposing the old High School, 203 Pine St. N into attractive condominiums while maintaining the exterior of the school, the first of three important Port Hope buildings designed by Ellis and Ellis.