Save the Date: The Port Hope 2023 House Tour

You’ll want to mark Saturday, September 30th on your calendars for the Port Hope House Tour’s Annual House Tour, this year in the hamlet of Canton, just four kilometres north of Port Hope.

Tickets | $35

We are pleased to be returning to an in-person Tour this year, and that the Tour will feature seven beautiful and historic homes in Canton, a village with a storied past dating back 225 years when the first white settlers arrived and found indigenous people living at the fork where the two tributaries of the Ganaraska River meet.

We’ll be providing more details about the Tour when tickets go on sale online and in Port Hope outlets (Atelier on John, Holton’s, Bibelot) as of July 20th and in Cobourg (Quinn’s) & Peterborough (Johnston’s) as of July 22nd.

For now, please keep the day clear, tell your friends, and prepare yourselves for a unique experience among some wonderful homes and properties in rural Ontario.

Linda Meldrum
House Tour Chair