Advocacy Update Fall 2023: Penryn Mason Homes Subdivision Appeal

ACO Port Hope Advocacy

At their meeting on Tuesday, August 1, 2023, the Municipality of Port Hope Council announced “that a settlement has been reached regarding Phase 2 of OLT File OLT-22-003126 (also referred to as Phase 5B Lands) of the Penryn Mason Homes subdivision development. This area is commonly referred to in the community as ‘the woodlot’.”

As stated in the announcement, the details of the proposed settlement include:

  • The development on Phase 5B lands (the woodlot and a 120m buffer around the woodlot) for low/medium density residential units, with 58 singled detached residential lots and 43 townhouses.
  • The transfer of a significant part of the privately owned Little Creek ravine lands to the Municipality. While this land was previously protected lands, it will now be under the care and control of the Municipality for public recreation use by all.
  • $100k contribution to the Municipality of Port Hope to be used within the Municipality for tree plantings / canopy replacement.
  • Installation of enhanced landscaping features along the front of dwellings along Victoria Street South.
  • Agreement by the proponent to conduct a Heritage Impact Assessment, to the Municipality’s satisfaction, to address any development impacts on the cultural landscape and features identified in the LHC Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report and implement any recommendations of the Heritage Impact assessment on the lots within this plan of subdivision as identified in the assessment.

The settlement was approved by the OLT on September 7th, 2023. ACO Port Hope is now looking ahead to receiving the Mason Homes Heritage Impact Assessment. The Conditions of Draft Approval, which are part of the settlement, do state that:
“The owner acknowledges that parcel fabric along the southern eastern boundary of the Draft Plan may change as result of the findings and recommendations of the Heritage Impact Assessment. The HIA will need to address the trees identified in the LHC Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report (May 2021) along the northern edge of the Ontario Heritage designated property known as 88 Victoria Street South.” The conservation of Lilac Lodge within the Penryn Cultural Heritage Landscape will be a priority for us.