Thank you to all who joined us at the Annual Meeting, 2023.
The Awards
Congratulations to our recipients to The Marion W. Garland and The Bluestone Award.
Dianne & Frank Steblaj: As 146 ACO members witnessed at our Christmas Party, Dianne and Frank Teblaj have both faithfully restored, and modernized their new home, Dunain over the past two years. We, on Baldwin St. can’t quite understand why anyone chooses to leave 6 Baldwin in the warmth of our micro neighbourhood, but, just as Paris was worth a Mass for Henri 1V in 1604, so too, Dunain rewards an owner’s love. With Dianne’s research, their joint vision, their careful selection of skilled craftsmen and designers, their thorough care, Dunain is now ready for its next 173 years.
Tim & Dean: Like Madonna and Yundi, the piano genius who used to be Yundi Li, Tim and Dean do not need any last names. Who of us would ever think to add Badegly and Howlet when introducing them to friends? This Marion Garland award cites their restoration of three homes, on Bramley St. S, Sullivan St., and John St., a list that makes me nervous because I am sure I have left out so many other contributions to our town. Through their two designer businesses, they have faithfully supported both the house tour and the garden Tour, both through sponsorships, and as hosts everything we said last year about remarkable citizenship, when we honoured the Holtons, well just push the repeat button for Tim and Dean, and then add their vision for these three homes.
Suzanne Camm: For many years of her support of the mission of ACO Port Hope, contributing to the Port Hope Garden and House Tours, and through the design and promotion of pewter impressions of the community’s heritage buildings.